Thursday, April 30, 2020

Rugmaker of Mazari Sharif Essay free essay sample

The first of these, Afghanistan, is where Najaf Mazari was born and raised. We see that many of his core moral beliefs and traits are as a result of this upbringing. Looking at his family life we can see how the influence of his older brother Gorg Ali impacted on Najaf. He thought of his older brother gorg Ali as a father figure, as his real father was killed in the war meaning Gorg Ali became responsible for the upbringing of his siblings. Najaf describes Gorg Ail in the text as a gentle person, contrary to most Afghani fathers who offered a tougher, more realistic outlook on life in Afghanistan. An Afghani father has failed in his duty to his sons if he raises dreamers. This is a strong statement and we can therefore conclude that Gorg Ali did fail by Afghani standards in a sense that Najaf Mazari dreamed of a better life outside of the sand and rubble that is Afghanistan. We will write a custom essay sample on Rugmaker of Mazari Sharif Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In saying this Gorg Al ultimately succeded as Najaf was able to take this hope gven to him and put it towards the goal of living a better and safer life, which he was able to achieve. Najaf describes Gorg Ali as the sort of person who holds things together. What is meant by this statement is that Gorg Ali was against the on-going violence. Not being the sort of person to break but rather, repar damage done. He wanted harmony and peace he was not the type who wrenches things apart for the sake of their own pride and illusion of superiority. It is also meant in a family sense. Najaf gives Gorg Ali credit for his ability to hold his family together. Najaf is clearly in favour of Gorg Ali and does not believe in war to solve problems. We can see that Najaf is against war through the emotive language he uses. He talks about witnessing several explosions in my lifetime, always unwillingly. We can see through these examples that Najaf’s identity is strongly defined by the on-going war in Afghanistan and by the beliefs and wisdom of his brother Gorg Ali. Najaf’s ethnicity also would have impacted heavily on his character. Being a Hazara, he is looked down upon by society in Afghanistan, in particular the Pashtuns. They think of the Hazara as second class citizens and treat them accordingly. This would have further increased Najaf’s distinct hate for violence and discrimination. Pashtuns being mainly Sunni Muslims and the Hazara being Shiite Muslims this is the most prominent origin of the conflict: the conflict between the two sub religions. The reason I bring this point up is the capture of Najaf by the Taliban, during a time when the Taliban where at full strength. His lack of decisiveness as to which side he is on due to his hate for war, and the fact that he is of Hazara decent (The Hazara had killed many Taliban defending Mazar-e-Sharif) gave the Taliban ample reason for his capture. When captured, Najaf was tortured brutally and describes his feelings as not caring whether I live or die. This statement shows how horrific the torture was to the point of men confessing to what they had not done, fought against the Taliban, to hasten their deaths. Men just stopped caring, practically taking their own lives. Najaf was not one of these men. Although he was eventually released the psychological impact this event in his early life would have been huge. Even after being thrown out of the gate of the compound, Najaf still believed he would be shot in the back of the head. Having not been through this sort of pain before I cannot say how it would affect a person, to be without hope. Although I can say that the effects would surely not be positive and recovery would be long and slow, as if exiting the worst sort of depression imaginable. His character would be shaped massively by this event in his life. Najaf’s religion would have shaped his way of thinking and moral values through the beliefs he holds in the Shia religious denomination of the Islam faith. There are the physical idea’s such as not being allowed to consume alcohol or pork. Then there are the spiritual beliefs about god, and how he watches over everyone and has a plan for our lives. The shrine of Ali is a spiritual centre for the Islam faith. It is a large ornate shrine within the city of Mazar-e-Sharif. The shrine of Ali is not considered famous by Muslims; it is too holy to be famous. Examining this quote we can see the dedication to the Islam faith that Afghani men such as Najaf Mazari possess. Najaf is not bothered by the thoughts of others. Najaf knows this and his decision to travel dangerously to Australia must have been made in part by his belief that God will deliver him safely and has a plan for his future. This idea of being impacted by where we are raised is very prominent in western society also, albiet in a slightly different manour. In my own life I can say I have been greatly influenced by my family in the way I act and the food I eat. Friends of mine have impacted on the thngs I like and dislike. My school has imacted on the path I have chosen to take in life and my religious beliefs. Very similar methods of learning are shared between myself and Najaf in our early lives, although the teachings may be different. This point in his life I am very familiar with and can see how his identity has been originaly shaped by where he lives, how he lives and who he lives his life with. Woomera, a holding camp for illegal refugees, is drastically different from his previous life in Afghanistan. It could be described as a state of limbo between the two countries. Najaf Mazari is confronted with many challenges that are presented to him both directly and indirectly by the Australian authorities. These challenges are presented for various reasons although the ultimate goal is to decide whether the refugee is suitable or not to enter the Australia. Woomera is a prison, certainly, but it is also a school. In a sense Najaf’s traits and values are being moulded to fit that of a successful Australian. The first challenge that Najaf is concerned with is what the Australians are looking for. He is not given a list of any sorts to determine this. Here I am, my name is Najaf Mazari, do you have a use for me in your country? It is a valid question, and we can see the exasperation in the words Najaf is saying, having lived through explosions and torture, sailing to an uncertain destination on an unworthy ship and now he is unable to please the Australians because he does not know what will please them. They seem to think that anyone who does not have white skin lives entirely on rice. We can clearly see the lack of understanding between the two parties. Najaf’s upbringing and his personalities are evident through his actions taken. I try to make myself useful and ask for work and obtain a job in the kitchen. This would be very pleasing to the Australian prison authorities as it shows not only his willingness to work, but the initiative he takes to be useful in the society he is in and therefore will probably take outside of Woomera. Another example of Najaf’s initiative and learning is the English language. Najaf knows he must learn it not only for use if he is to be granted a Visa but also to properly communicate to his interviewer and give himself a greater chance of being granted this visa. Najaf finds an Iranian who speaks English and asks him for assistance, In God’s name, I implore you to interoperate for my Afghani’s. This proposal is indicative of several things. Firstly, that Najaf is able to use his initiative and ask for assistance as he has shown earlier when asking for a job. Najaf is also asking the assistance of a Non-Afghani, an outsider, to help his friends learn. This is a big step because rivalry between the five countries turns into tiny wars. We can see that the relationship between refugees from different countries is not the most pleasant. In saying this, Najaf is willing to overcome their differences and ask for help from an Iranian. This shows that Najaf not only disapproves conflict, but is also willing to show his weakness to a fellow refugee. We are all here for the same reason, starting a new life in a new country. Though the Australians may not have noticed this particular incident they would certainly get the idea the Najaf is enthusiastic, willing to please and willing to learn. These are traits he would have gained throughout his childhood as a sheep farmer and Rugmaker which goes to show the usefulness these working-man’s traits can have in the future. So while in Woomera his core values remain the same where his traits and actions are being moulded to fit Australian society. For me, in my life this was Dilworth. Just like Najaf I was thrust into ths strange place which I knew very little about. I can understand how he felt isolated and alone during this time as he knew no-one and nothing of the customs rules or expectations. I know that it is a very slow proccess but through time and experience your learn the etacate. Though Dilworth and Woomera may not share many smlarities, there altmate purpose is shared. To send people out to live their lives outside of the gates successfully all the while weeding out the sour apples. I know that Dilworth has taught me many valuable life skills and am thankful that I will have the experience I do when I go out into the world. I have, in a sense, had my identity shaped by a halfway house between the old and the new. Living a successful life in a first world European country can be said to be vastly different from a life in a middle-eastern country like Afghanistan. Living in Australia is more complex in the sense that it requires a lot more effort to live peacefully. By this I mean that things such as IRD forms, taxes and electricity bills inhibit peace somewhat. Najaf is aware of this: When the very big problems are fixed 100 smaller problems are revealed. Things such as Credit cards are magic to him. People pay with plastic in this country. Life becomes much more complicated for Najaf due to his lack of self-reliance. This comes from being in Woomera for a long period of time. Najaf goes from the relatively simply society in Afghanistan to a sheltered environment such as Woomera where he is provided for completely, to a much more complex society. In Woomera his fate was in the hands of others, he was unable to decide what happened to himself other than to be a good and useful person. Whether he got into Australia or not was not in his means. Now having actually entered Australia, Najaf would find himself quite alienated from the rest of the society, knowing no-one on a personal level when he began his Australian journey. Najaf faced the cultural problem of terms; he only understood things on a superficial level. We can see this through his search for a place to live. When asked if he was smoke free he replies, ‘It’s ok ill smoke outside’ not fully grasping what the term meant. It is the same scenario when asked if he is a student. Although he believes he is, due to his learning of the English language and culture, he is not the desired type of student asked for being young and attending university. This becomes frustrating for Najaf, who becomes increasingly intollarible of things stating I began to miss having my problems in the hands of others as they were in Woomera. It is many of these small issues that make life in Australia hard for him, although with each day he is learning and his identity is growing more westernised. Things that many people in western culture take for granted, such as a shower, amaze Najaf. The sheer number of cars on the road and even the way people walk on the footpaths is foreign to him. Najaf, in saying this, is not completely unaware of the line between what is acceptable and what is not in this foreign country. The example he gives of this is his first employer who he describes as a witch of a woman. She does not give Najaf the leniency or sympathy of others who have helped him, instead making him work twelve hour shifts on minimum wage while constantly scrutinising his work. He shows the reader that he is not completely ignorant of the world and leaves the job with the unjust employer. Looking at the wider world we realise that najaf is not the only refugee, far from it. Many people, especially in poor, war torn countries are looking for the salvatin of a new life, one where the worry is on living a successful life, rather than a safe one. Western countries such as Australia and New Zealand contribute to this effort taking in their share of refugee’s offering them a home. Throug agencies such as, housing New Zealand and in najaf’s case the Australian housing office, the world is offering people like Najaf the chance to make himself a use in your country by providing housing and an allowance. As he put it. As a New Zealander who is part of a country who offers help I feel a sense of pride at this act of giving. In a sense these schemes are providing refugees with a new life. In Najaf’s case this comes in the form of an Australian visa. I believe the change Najaf would have undergone would have been quite durastic. It is very clear through interperating Najaf’s autobiography, the changes that Najaf has undergone through these three distinct part of his life. How he has matured and learned and then thrust into the unknown to fend for himself and we are able to make the connections between this and other examples of people havng given up their lives in search of peace.